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Tools & Resources

Optimising your internal health is one of our main goals. By sharing our knowledge and resources with you, we’re driven to bring internal health to the forefront of your ambitions. We aim to depend less on medical services to put out small fires, and more on sustainable tools to help ourselves and others out of the healthcare system. Gaining a deeper understanding of your health on multiple levels is a key offering in our Resilient Human experience.

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Blog Posts

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Injuries and specifically pain is up there with 1 of the most annoying parts of life, and because of this we thought here at Resilient Human, we'd firstly build solutions to start correcting these for you with our Pain to Power programmes you'll begin to find on our Restore pages but not only that, we thought you should have the details in front of you to know just what you're dealing with before you come onboard.

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Why Whoop?

Health and technology are continuously binding together, and now it's not just for athletes. Everyone can use these tools to their advantage and have a deeper understanding of the progression they're making. But, surely I can just feel this? Of course, generally you know your body better than anyone or any bit of kit, but how about your bodies trends overtime? That's pretty deep knowledge to truly understand, but your health progression or worse, regression. Added bonus, you can get cheaper health insurance and better life insurance. As they take into account risk factors, and if you've a daily healthy resting heart rate, proof of physical training and your sleep. Well that's stats you can use to your advantage. However, we're not here to chat about your insurance, but it's a benefit. 

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The benefits of strength training

So, you want to get strong but don’t know where to start with all the online programs available. You’ve been told, sold or shown the extremes of what strength workouts can achieve. However, you don't know if you have what it takes and don’t really understand how strength training truly benefits you? You shouldn't stress on this. We're here to help and one of our aims, to enable clients to reach their personal physical performance.

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Types of fat, and the role it plays in our health

Carrying fat is a normal part of life. However, how we store it, is completely different depending on genetics. Apple or Pear are the shapes you've heard and android and gynoid is the technical terms you might have seen. This has to do with the way our bodies store fat, generally premenopausal females store in pear shape, postmenopausal females start to become apple and males spend their whole lives storing that apple shape. If you're annoyed with the muffin top, or your easter on match sticks, then we've got you covered why it's not good for you and some tips on how to improve it.

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Body fat and what it really means

Goldilocks and the Three Bears come to mind when you think about body fat, or well it does for us. Too little, too much or just right. We seem to have this preconception of body composition and what we think an ideal body fat percentage looks like. We can thank, magazines, models and now our superhero movie stars for this. 

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My Vital Metrics

When you think about your health or what healthy looks like, what does that bring to your mind? As humans we are generally driven to aesthetics, what pleases our eye. However, does this always relate to health or as a we like at Resilient Human to our true internal health?

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Our Technology

Online personal training has gained massive market growth over the past 10 years but it's only been in the last 5 years that we've truly been able to give our online clients the same level of coaching service as in person trainers due to the the personal training software now available. Like many coaching businesses we've also set up an online coaching platform, but our aim is to create a user friendly experience, that allows our online clients to enjoy their fitness journey with higher level coaching support throughout. 

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The Team

Resilient Human is the most in-depth online personal training and physio program available. Why? Due to the team that created it. They've spent years with in person training and have now put together an online training program to allow you, the client to achieve the success you'd desire from your fitness journey.

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As part of our goal to set ourselves apart from our competition, we will be helping you learn more about products that can improve your overall lifestyle and build more resilience to the modern world. We're starting with the super topic of sleep and using the product, Unplug by Motion Nutrition. Improved sleep, our coach Scott jumped on this one to find out more.

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Online Personal Training

Why go for an online trainer? To give you the freedom and support you need from experts to allow you to continue with your busy life and achieve the fitness goals you have. As a team of personal trainers and physios at Resilient Human we have built a 12mth online training program to allow you to create a sustainable supported fitness journey that will see you succeed. 

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